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- Summary of article content: Articles about TEMPLE RUN 2 – Poki Imangi가 개발 한 Temple Run 2는 플레이어가 적으로부터 탈출하고 길을 따라 발견되는 모든 장애물과 함정을 피해야하는 무한 러너입니다. …
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Temple Run 2

Temple Run 2 – Google Play 앱
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- Summary of article content: Articles about Temple Run 2 – Google Play 앱 With over a zillion downloads, Temple Run redefined mobile gaming. Now get more of the exhilarating running, jumping, turning and sling you love in Temple … …
- Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Temple Run 2 – Google Play 앱 With over a zillion downloads, Temple Run redefined mobile gaming. Now get more of the exhilarating running, jumping, turning and sling you love in Temple … 폭풍에 의해 세계를 찍은 스매시 히트 현상에 대한 속편!
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Temple Run 2 APK – 다운로드 (Android Game)
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- Summary of article content: Articles about Temple Run 2 APK – 다운로드 (Android Game) Temple Run 2 APK 1.92.0 다운로드 (Free Download) – TempleRun2 APK – Andro용 Mobile Game – com.imangi.templerun2 – Imangi Studios – 최신 버전 2022 … …
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App Store에서 제공하는 Temple Run 2
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App Store에서 제공하는 Temple Run 2
Temple Run 2의 리뷰를 읽고 고객 평점을 비교할 수 있습니다. 스크린샷을 보고 자세한 내용을 확인해 보세요. Temple Run 2 항목을 다운로드하고 iPhone, … … - Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for
App Store에서 제공하는 Temple Run 2
Temple Run 2의 리뷰를 읽고 고객 평점을 비교할 수 있습니다. 스크린샷을 보고 자세한 내용을 확인해 보세요. Temple Run 2 항목을 다운로드하고 iPhone, … Temple Run 2, Imangi Studios, LLC, 게임,어드벤처,엔터테인먼트,액션, ios apps, 앱, 앱스토어, app store, iphone, ipad, ipod touch, itouch, itunesTemple Run 2의 리뷰를 읽고 고객 평점을 비교할 수 있습니다. 스크린샷을 보고 자세한 내용을 확인해 보세요. Temple Run 2 항목을 다운로드하고 iPhone, iPad 및 iPod touch에서 즐겨보세요. - Table of Contents:
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Temple Run 2 Apk v1.82.0 무제한 동전 및 보석
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- Summary of article content: Articles about Temple Run 2 Apk v1.82.0 무제한 동전 및 보석 Temple Run 2는 Endless Runner 시리즈의 두 번째 게임입니다. 역사상 가장 성공적이고 인기 있는 시리즈(첫 번째 부분은 1억 7천만 번 이상 다운로드 … …
- Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Temple Run 2 Apk v1.82.0 무제한 동전 및 보석 Temple Run 2는 Endless Runner 시리즈의 두 번째 게임입니다. 역사상 가장 성공적이고 인기 있는 시리즈(첫 번째 부분은 1억 7천만 번 이상 다운로드 … Temple Run 2는 Endless Runner 시리즈의 두 번째 게임입니다. 역사상 가장 성공적이고 인기 있는 시리즈(첫 번째 부분은 1억 7천만 번 이상 다운로드됨)temple run 2, temple run 2 online, temple run 2 oz, tenpel temple run 2
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게임 Temple Run 2 – 온라인 플레이:
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- Summary of article content: Articles about 게임 Temple Run 2 – 온라인 플레이: Temple Run 2 is an exciting endless running veo game you will surely love to play! Navigate perilous cliffs, zip lines, mines and forests as you try to … …
- Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for 게임 Temple Run 2 – 온라인 플레이: Temple Run 2 is an exciting endless running veo game you will surely love to play! Navigate perilous cliffs, zip lines, mines and forests as you try to … Y8.com에서 무료 게임 Temple Run 2(을)를 플레이하십시오! Temple Run 2 을(를) 플레이하려면 Click now를 클릭하십시오! Temple Run 2(와)과 비슷한 최고의 게임들을 즐기십시오.일인용, 어드벤처, 함정, 장비 구입 업그레이드, 추격, 장애물, 시리즈, 모으기 게임, 달리기, 신전, 보물, 안드로이드, HTML5, 무료, 모바일, 아이폰, 아이패드, 터치스크린, 아드레날린
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Temple Run 2 – Wikipedia
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- Summary of article content: Articles about Temple Run 2 – Wikipedia Temple Run 2 is an endless running veo game developed and published by Imangi Studios. A sequel to Temple Run, the game was produced, designed and … …
- Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Temple Run 2 – Wikipedia Temple Run 2 is an endless running veo game developed and published by Imangi Studios. A sequel to Temple Run, the game was produced, designed and …
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Development and release[edit]
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App Store에서 제공하는 Temple Run 2
세계를 뒤흔든 대 히트 게임의 후속 편! 1억 7천만번의 다운로드를 자랑하는 Temple Run이 모바일 게임의 역사를 재 정의합니다. 지금 Temple Run 2에서 더욱 더 긴장감 넘치는 달리기, 점프, 턴, 슬라이딩을 즐겨보세요! 저주 받은 황금 석상을 추적하는 원숭이를 피해 위험한 절벽과 광산 및 숲을 돌아다니세요. 당신은 얼마나 멀리 달릴 수 있나요? 게임 소개 * 아름다운 새 그래픽 * 움직이는 흥미진진한 주위 환경 * 새로운 장애물들 * 더 많은 파워업 * 더 많은 공적 * 각 캐릭터마다 가지는 특별한 파워 * 더 크고 무서운 원숭이!!! 페이스북에서 Temple Run을 만나보려면: 트위터에서 Temple Run 팔로우 하려면:
템플런1 때부터 재밌게했는데 템플런2 이질감없이 그래픽 업그레이드 하며 기능도 추가해줘서 너무 좋아요 요즘 게임들 현질 안하면 진행조차 할 수 없는게 대부분인데 이 게임회사보고 배웠으면 좋겠습니다.
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앱이 수집하는 개인정보
Imangi Studios, LLC 개발자가 아래 설명된 데이터 처리 방식이 앱의 개인정보 처리방침에 포함되어 있을 수 있다고 표시했습니다. 자세한 내용은 개발자의 개인정보 처리방침을 참조하십시오.
사용자를 추적하는 데 사용되는 데이터 다음 데이터는 다른 회사가 소유한 앱 및 웹 사이트를 통해 사용자를 추적하는 데 사용될 수 있습니다. 위치
사용 데이터 사용자에게 연결된 데이터 다음 데이터가 수집되어 신원에 연결될 수 있습니다. 구입 항목
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진단 사용자에게 연결되지 않은 데이터 다음 데이터가 수집될 수 있지만 신원에는 연결되지 않습니다. 사용자 콘텐츠
개인정보 처리방침은 사용하는 기능이나 사용자의 나이 등에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다. 더 알아보기
Temple Run 2
2013 endless runner video game
2013 video game
Temple Run 2 is an endless running video game developed and published by Imangi Studios. A sequel to Temple Run, the game was produced, designed and programmed by husband and wife team Keith Shepherd and Natalia Luckyanova,[6] with art by Kiril Tchangov.[6] It was released on the App Store on January 16, 2013, on Google Play on January 24,[2] and on Windows Phone 8 on Decembers 20.[3] In November 2020 Imangi Studios released Temple Run 2 for the web on Poki.[7]
As of June 2014, Temple Run 2 and its predecessor have been downloaded over 1 billion times.[8]
On January 2018, Temple Run 2 passed over 500 million downloads on the Google Play Store.[9]
Gameplay [ edit ]
Gameplay with Usain Bolt.
Temple Run 2 features the same controls as its predecessor. However, the gameplay itself is slightly different insofar as it introduces new obstacles, such as zip-lines, mine tracks, sharper turns, waterfalls, and jets of fire. The game also features new power-ups, whose use is typically governed by an energy bar that is filled up by collecting coins. Players can save the protagonist from death by using green gems that are collected while running, or purchased online. The game is set in a different location than the first game, and the main character runs faster. The three monkeys that chased the character in the original game have been eliminated. Now, a single large monkey called Cuchank is the sole antagonist.[10]
Characters [ edit ]
The initial release featured Guy Dangerous as the default character, with Scarlett Fox, Barry Bones and Karma Lee being unlockable.[11] In early versions of the game, Scarlett Fox had to be purchased with coins. This requirement was later dropped in an update on April 20, 2015, in support of gender equality, allowing people to play as the character immediately upon downloading the game.[12]
In August 2013, Usain Bolt was made available for purchase for a limited time, though this was later made permanent.[13] In December, Santa Claus was made available for purchase, only for a limited time.[14]
On September 9, 2014, the character Maria Selva was released as part of a promotion with National Geographic Kids books.[15] In October, several National Football League players were made available for purchase for a limited time.[16]
Development and release [ edit ]
The development of Temple Run 2 began in March 2012. Imangi Studios stated that the main goal of the game was to make the gameplay similar and familiar to the original while introducing new elements and creating a “redeveloped experience.”[17] According to Keith Shepherd, “Our biggest reason for doing the sequel instead of an update is that we just weren’t going to be able to make these changes to the original. Under the hood, the game was completely re-written from scratch and it’s now in much better shape to allow us to continue adding more to it over time.”[5] Natalia Luckyanova added “Once it became so popular, there was a ton we wanted to do to Temple Run but it really wasn’t built for expansion. It’s built on top of our in-house 3D engine, which is pretty limited and requires a lot of coding on our end to make any changes. Plus, we didn’t want to change Temple Run too dramatically, since so many people were playing it and loving it. So we decided to make a brand new version, where we could update the graphics, play around with powers, create new environments, etc.”[18]
Temple Run 2 was announced in a surprise announcement by Imangi Studios on January 16, 2013, with the game being released in the App Store in New Zealand immediately, and an international release coming a few hours later.[19] The Android version was released on January 24, 2013.[2] The Windows Phone 8 version was released on December 20, 2013 with the inclusion of Xbox Live achievements. A version for Tizen was released on October 13, 2016. Within four days of its iOS release, the game had reached twenty million downloads, six million of which were within the first twenty-four hours.[20] As of 2018, Imangi Studios continues to develop Temple Run 2 and other games from their Raleigh, NC location.[21]
Reception [ edit ]
Temple Run 2 has been generally well-received. The iOS version holds an aggregate score of 79 out of 100 on Metacritic based on 24 reviews.[22]
Edge were impressed, scoring the game 8 out of 10 and writing “Temple Run 2 is a beautiful looking, natural extension of the series that never breaks stride for a second.”[23] Chris Reed of Slide to Play was equally impressed, scoring the game 4 out of 4, and arguing that it “improves on just about every aspect of the original.”[30]
Carter Dobson of 148Apps scored the game 4.5 out of 5, writing “The sequel is largely just full of minor tweaks that mostly improve the experience while leaving the addictive core untampered […] Playing Temple Run 2 is a simple reminder of why the original was such a hit, and why it stands above all imitators. Its mechanics are still pristine. Its controls are still pretty much immaculate. The formula has been tweaked, and I think it has come out for the better.”[28] TouchArcade’s Jared Nelson also gave a score of 4.5 out of 5, writing “Temple Run 2’s simplicity and intangible ‘something’ is what made its predecessor a game that I always went back to even in the face of a smorgasbord of alternatives, and it’s what will keep this on my device easily within thumb’s reach for a long time to come.”[27]
AppSpy’s Andrew Nesvadba gave the game 4 out of 5, the same score he had given the original, writing “The end result is a smoother experience that retains the core of Temple Run without adding too much complexity so as to alienate its base.”[29] Gamezebo’s Jim Squires also scored the game 4 out of 5, writing “There are no big shifts in gameplay. There are no buzzworthy changes. At best, you can sum it up as “it’s like Temple Run, but a little bit better”.[25]
Eurogamer’s Owen Faraday was slightly less enthusiastic, scoring the game 7 out of 10 and writing, “The biggest flaw Temple Run 2 betrays is its conservatism. The amount of work that has gone into the game is evident, and it’s hard to fault an accessible, thrilling game that offers itself to you for free – but it’s so similar to its predecessor that it ultimately feels a bit unnecessary.”[24] Pocket Gamer’s Harry Slatter also scored the game 3.5 out of 5 stars, writing “Endless-runners haven’t really moved on since Temple Run first sprinted onto the scene. And, if anything, Temple Run 2 highlights that more than most. Where Imangi was blazing a new trail with the first game and setting trends left, right, and right again, Temple Run 2 is just another enjoyable entrant into a crowded genre.”[26]
See also [ edit ]
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