Top 48 아마존 데이 Quick Answer

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💰아마존 AMAZON ❤️프라임데이 PRIME DAY 세일 ( July 12-13 2022 ) 세일 정보에요
💰아마존 AMAZON ❤️프라임데이 PRIME DAY 세일 ( July 12-13 2022 ) 세일 정보에요

[실시간 업데이트] 올해 아마존 프라임 데이는 7/12 – 7/13! – MODUBA

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about [실시간 업데이트] 올해 아마존 프라임 데이는 7/12 – 7/13! – MODUBA Updating …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for [실시간 업데이트] 올해 아마존 프라임 데이는 7/12 – 7/13! – MODUBA Updating
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가전디지털 딜들

애플 딜들

아마존 디바이스서비스 딜들

주방용품 딜들

뷰티생활용품 딜들

육아어린이용품 딜들

음식건강보조제 딜들

여행취미 딜들

K-뷰티 딜들


프라임 데이 참여방법

프라임 데이에 사용할 크레딧을 받으세요!

프라임 데이를 더 스마트하게!

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[실시간 업데이트] 올해 아마존 프라임 데이는 7/12 - 7/13! - MODUBA
[실시간 업데이트] 올해 아마존 프라임 데이는 7/12 – 7/13! – MODUBA

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아마존 프라임데이 7월 12~13일…소비자들, 생필품·고가 기기에 관심

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  • Reviews from users: 44862 ⭐ Ratings
  • Top rated: 4.2 ⭐
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  • Summary of article content: Articles about 아마존 프라임데이 7월 12~13일…소비자들, 생필품·고가 기기에 관심 Updating …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for 아마존 프라임데이 7월 12~13일…소비자들, 생필품·고가 기기에 관심 Updating 아마존 프라임데이 7월 12~13일…소비자들, 생필품·고가 기기에 관심아마존의 대표 이벤트인 프라임데이(Prime Day)가 곧 열린다. 이번 프라임데이에서는 인플레이션에 압박을 받은 소비자들이 생필품과 소모품을 대량으로 구매할 것이 예상돼 주목을 받고 있다.아마존 연례 행사인 프라임데이(프라임 데이)가 올해 7월 12일 부터 48시간 동안 개최된다. 프라임데이는 매년 7월경 아마존이 진…
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아마존 프라임데이 7월 12~13일…소비자들, 생필품·고가 기기에 관심
아마존 프라임데이 7월 12~13일…소비자들, 생필품·고가 기기에 관심

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Amazon Prime Day 2022: will there be another sale later this year? | TechRadar

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  • Reviews from users: 26882 ⭐ Ratings
  • Top rated: 4.3 ⭐
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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Amazon Prime Day 2022: will there be another sale later this year? | TechRadar Prime Day is Amazon’s biggest sale of the year. The annual two-day deals event is regularly held in the summer months and is exclusively … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Amazon Prime Day 2022: will there be another sale later this year? | TechRadar Prime Day is Amazon’s biggest sale of the year. The annual two-day deals event is regularly held in the summer months and is exclusively … All the latest news on Amazon Prime Day, including updates on the rumoured second sale this fall.
  • Table of Contents:

Amazon Prime Day 2022 all you need to know

When was Prime Day 2022

What were this year’s best Prime Day deals

Amazon Prime Day 2022 our predictions

How to prepare for Prime Day 2022 our pro tips

How to find the best Prime Day deals

Prime Day vs Black Friday – should you wait

Amazon Prime Day 2022: will there be another sale later this year? | TechRadar
Amazon Prime Day 2022: will there be another sale later this year? | TechRadar

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아마존 프라임 데이, 폭발적인 매출 성과 달성하기 | 첼로 스퀘어

  • Article author:
  • Reviews from users: 17382 ⭐ Ratings
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  • Summary of article content: Articles about 아마존 프라임 데이, 폭발적인 매출 성과 달성하기 | 첼로 스퀘어 아마존 Prime day(프라임 데이)는 무엇일까? 아마존 Prime day(프라임 데이)는 매년 7월경 진행되는 아마존 최대의 할인 행사로, 2015년부터 시작 … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for 아마존 프라임 데이, 폭발적인 매출 성과 달성하기 | 첼로 스퀘어 아마존 Prime day(프라임 데이)는 무엇일까? 아마존 Prime day(프라임 데이)는 매년 7월경 진행되는 아마존 최대의 할인 행사로, 2015년부터 시작 … 아마존, 프라임 데이 | 아마존 최대의 할인 행사 ‘아마존 프라임 데이’에서 폭발적인 성과를 달성하기 위한 셀러들의 전략을 소개합니다. | 첼로 스퀘어(Cello Square)
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아마존 프라임 데이, 폭발적인 매출 성과 달성하기 | 첼로 스퀘어
아마존 프라임 데이, 폭발적인 매출 성과 달성하기 | 첼로 스퀘어

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아마존 프라임 데이, 폭발적인 매출 성과 달성하기 | 첼로 스퀘어

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  • Reviews from users: 21609 ⭐ Ratings
  • Top rated: 3.9 ⭐
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  • Summary of article content: Articles about 아마존 프라임 데이, 폭발적인 매출 성과 달성하기 | 첼로 스퀘어 미국 경제방송 CNBC는 27일(현지시간) 아마존이 7월12일~13일과 오는 4분기에 걸쳐 총 두 차례 프라임데이를 연다고 보도했다. 아마존은 이를 판매자 … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for 아마존 프라임 데이, 폭발적인 매출 성과 달성하기 | 첼로 스퀘어 미국 경제방송 CNBC는 27일(현지시간) 아마존이 7월12일~13일과 오는 4분기에 걸쳐 총 두 차례 프라임데이를 연다고 보도했다. 아마존은 이를 판매자 … 아마존, 프라임 데이 | 아마존 최대의 할인 행사 ‘아마존 프라임 데이’에서 폭발적인 성과를 달성하기 위한 셀러들의 전략을 소개합니다. | 첼로 스퀘어(Cello Square)
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아마존 프라임 데이, 폭발적인 매출 성과 달성하기 | 첼로 스퀘어
아마존 프라임 데이, 폭발적인 매출 성과 달성하기 | 첼로 스퀘어

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‘2022 아마존 프라임 데이’, 올해 7월 20여개국 개최

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  • Reviews from users: 3454 ⭐ Ratings
  • Top rated: 4.7 ⭐
  • Lowest rated: 1 ⭐
  • Summary of article content: Articles about ‘2022 아마존 프라임 데이’, 올해 7월 20여개국 개최 Updating …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for ‘2022 아마존 프라임 데이’, 올해 7월 20여개국 개최 Updating 코스인,#아마존 #아마존글로벌셀링(Amazon Global Selling),#연례쇼핑이벤트 #아마존프라임데이,#올해7월20여개국진행,#전세계2억명이상프라임회원 #쇼핑할인혜택판매기회 #셀러전폭지원 #프라임데이프로모션광고도구,#전세계2억5천만개이상아이템 #2021년베스트셀링카테고리 #도구 #뷰티제품 #영양제 #육아용품 #아마존디바이스코스인,코스인코리아닷컴, 화장품 뉴스, 뷰티 뉴스, OEM ODM, 원료, 부자재, 임상, CGMP, 연구개발, 글로벌, 수출, 세미나, 교육, 박람회, 프레그런스저널코리아
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오늘 많이 본 뉴스

한 주간 많이 본 뉴스

'2022 아마존 프라임 데이', 올해 7월 20여개국 개최
‘2022 아마존 프라임 데이’, 올해 7월 20여개국 개최

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[실시간 업데이트] 올해 아마존 프라임 데이는 7/12 – 7/13!

Home » [실시간 업데이트] 올해 아마존 프라임 데이는 7/12 – 7/13! FEATURED Digital & TechEssentials [실시간 업데이트] 올해 아마존 프라임 데이는 7/12 – 7/13!

2022년 아마존 프라임데이가 7/12 – 7/13 양일간 진행됩니다! 프라임데이는 블랙 프라이데이와 함께 미국 내 가장 큰 쇼핑 이벤트로 손꼽히며 매년 7월경 아마존이 진행하는 최대 규모의 할인 행사입니다. 아직 프라임 멤버에 가입하지 않은 분들은 이 링크에서 무료 체험을 신청하세요. 이 페이지에서 프라임 데이 딜들이 실시간 업데이트 됩니다!

아마존 디바이스/서비스 딜들

주방용품 딜들

한국 주방용품

에어프라이어 /오븐



그 외 인기 주방용품

뷰티/생활용품 딜들



육아/어린이용품 딜들



여행/취미 딜들

K-뷰티 딜들


프라임 데이 참여방법

아마존 프라임데이는 아마존 프라임 멤버에게만 독점적으로 제공되는 이벤트입니다. 아직 프라임 멤버가 아니라면 30일 무료 체험기간을 활용하세요! 프라임데이 참여 후 더이상 프라임 멤버쉽을 유지하고 싶지 않다면 언제든지 구독취소 가능합니다. 미국 내에서만 1억 5천만 명 이상이 사용하고 있는 프라임 멤버쉽은 무료 2일 배송, 수천 편 이상의 프라임 비디오 시청, 홀푸드마켓 할인 등의 매력적인 혜택을 제공하며 연 139불 또는 월 14.99불의 구독료를 받고 있습니다. 아마존 프라임 구독료 할인을 포함해 숨겨진 프라임 혜택을 보다 알뜰하게 활용할 수 있는 팁도 확인하세요.

프라임 데이에 사용할 크레딧을 받으세요!

아마존에서 다양한 프로모션을 통해 프라임 데이에 사용할 수 있는 크레딧을 증정 중입니다. 해당 프로모션을 통해 받은 크레딧은 모두 7월 13일 11:59 PM PT 프라임데이 종료 전까지 유효합니다.

프라임 데이를 더 스마트하게!

아마존 프라임데이 필요한 물건을 늦지 않게 구매하려면 이벤트 기간 전 아마존 앱을 다운로드하고 원하는 상품을 ‘위시리스트’에 추가하는 것을 권장합니다. 위시리스트에 원하는 제품을 등록해두면 프라임데이 행사 당일 해당 품목이 할인에 포함되는지 빨리 확인할 수 있습니다.

모두바는 얼리 액세스 딜(Early Access Deal)을 포함해 프라임데이 기간 동안 각종 인기 품목의 할인 딜, 라이트닝딜을 신속하게 전달드립니다. 모두바에서만 확인할 수 있는 각종 독점 딜도 기다리고 있으니 놓치지 마세요! 카카오톡 오픈채팅방(참여코드: moduba82) | 모두바 페이스북 | 인스타그램을 통해서 더 편리하게 소식을 받아보세요. 올해 2022년 아마존 프라임데이에 꼭 구매하고자 하는 상품이 있다면 아래 댓글창에 공유해주세요!

아마존 프라임데이 7월 12~13일…소비자들, 생필품·고가 기기에 관심

아마존 프라임데이 7월 12~13일…소비자들, 생필품·고가 기기에 관심 이미지 확대보기 아마존의 유료 구독 서비스인 ‘아마존프라임’의 고객들은 아마존 프라임데이에 참여할 수 있다. 사진=로이터

아마존의 대표 이벤트인 프라임데이(Prime Day)가 곧 열린다. 이번 프라임데이에서는 인플레이션에 압박을 받은 소비자들이 생필품과 소모품을 대량으로 구매할 것이 예상돼 주목을 받고 있다.아마존 연례 행사인 프라임데이(프라임 데이)가 올해 7월 12일 부터 48시간 동안 개최된다. 프라임데이는 매년 7월경 아마존이 진행하는 최대 할인 행사로, 미국에서는 11월의 블랙 프라이데이와 함께 가장 큰 쇼핑 이벤트다. 이번 아마존 프라임데이에서는 전 세계 20개국이 참여한다고 알려졌다.딜뉴스닷컴(의 소비자 애널리스트 줄리 램홀드(Julie Ramhold)는 “치솟는 인플레이션으로 이번 프라임 데이에 참여하려는 사람들은 재미있는 것보다 실용적인 구매에 더 집중할 것”이라고 말했다.소비자들의 관심사가 실용적인 할인에 맞춰짐에 따라 아마존도 생필품에 역량을 집중할 전망이다. 온라인 할인 스토어 브래드 딜스(Brad’s Deals)의 케이시 런얀은 이번 프라임데이에 “아마존이 프라임 구독의 가치를 증명하고 싶어하기 때문에 화장지, 종이 타월, 치약, 탈취제 및 세탁 세제와 같은 필수품에 대해 정말 좋은 거래 제안을 보게 될 것”이라고 자신했다.노트북이나 TV같은 고가 전자기기와 킨들과 같은 아마존의 각종 주변기기들도 큰 폭의 할인에 들어간다. 특히 유명 브랜드 제품은 보통 할인을 하지 않아 많은 소비자들은 고가의 전자기기를 구입하려고 이 행사를 기다리고 있다. ‘Fire TV’등의 아마존 제품군은 벌써 50% 이상의 할인을 예고했다. 샤크(Shark), 애플(apple), 삼성(Samsung), 보쉬(Bosch) 등의 유명 브랜드도 많은 할인 혜택이 주어질 것으로 보인다. 유명 브랜드들은 보통 조기에 매진되는 일이 잤아 이들 제품군을 구매하려는 소비자들은 서둘러야 한다.아마존 프라임데이에서 좋은 가격에 물건을 구입하려면 행사 전에 아마존 앱을 다운받고 원하는 항목을 ‘위시리스트’에 추가하는 것을 권장한다. 위시리스트에 원하는 품목을 등록하면 프라임데이 행사 당일에 해당 품목이 할인에 포함되는지 빨리 확인 확인할수 있다.할인쿠폰 전문 사이트 리테일미낫의 크리스틴 맥그래스는 “할인행사를 잘 활용하려면 ‘지금 가격 추적(price tracking)’을 활용해야 한다”고 말했다. 맥그래스는 지금 가격 추적 브라우저 확장 프로그램을 이용해 가격 변동을 주시하고 가격 인하 알림을 받을 것을 권장했다. 그는 “가격 추적기는 특히 고가 품목의 할인을 모니터링하는 가장 쉬운 방법이다”라고 강조했다.프라임데이의 혜택을 받으려면 아마존 프라임 구독 서비스의 회원이어야 하지만 비회원 고객을 위한 30일 무료 체험판 등이 있어 구독자가 아니더라도 쉽게 행사에 참여할 수 있다.김다정 글로벌이코노믹 기자 [email protected]

Amazon Prime Day 2022: will there be another sale later this year?

Amazon Prime Day is now over – for July, anyway. According to leaked notices, there may be another Prime Day deals extravaganza towards the end of this year, as we reported earlier. Until we wait for confirmation, there are still plenty of discounts to check out every day at Amazon – including the current back to school sales.

See all today’s best offers at Amazon (opens in new tab)

Now that the main Amazon Prime Day 2022 sale is over, you no longer need to be a member to take advantage of today’s offers. If you no longer want or need to keep your subscription going, make sure you find out how to cancel Amazon Prime while it’s ongoing so you aren’t charged for another month. Just know you may need to sign up again if the exclusive sale returns later this year.

Will there be another Prime Day this fall? Rumours suggest Amazon is considering another Prime Day sale for fall of this year, though our gut says it won’t be as big as July’s event. Instead, it may just run a selection of early deals exclusively for Prime members as a prelude to the big end-of-year sales period. Think of it as a warm-up to Black Friday 2022. Of course, Amazon hasn’t confirmed anything surrounding a Prime Day fall event, so we’ll be listening out for any information over the coming weeks. You can see why the retailer might want to run another, though. Amazon reported its biggest Prime Day ever in 2022 with over 300 million items sold worldwide during the two-day sale. We’ll bring you any updates as soon as we hear anything new that gives us any extra details on the potential sale and what deals we might see.

Amazon Prime Day 2022: all you need to know

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

When was Prime Day 2022?

Amazon Prime Day 2022 took place from Tuesday, July 12 – Wednesday, July 13 and featured a vast number of daily deals (opens in new tab). The retailer first confirmed the dates in a press release at 1am ET on Thursday, June 16.

Prime Day date history Ninth: TBC 2023

Eighth: July 12-13, 2022

Seventh: June, 21-22, 2021

Sixth: Oct 13-14, 2020

Fifth: July 15-16, 2019

Fourth: July 16-17, 2018

Third: July 11-12, 2017

Second: July 12, 2016

First: July 15, 2015

We believed that Prime Day would return to July in 2022 – and we even predicted it would take place from Monday, July 11 – Tuesday, July 12 (so we were one day off). It was held earlier last year, in June, and pushed back to October during the pandemic in 2020.

Prior to this, Prime Day was always held in July and the retailer returned to that month again in 2022. It started as a 24-hour shopping event back in 2015, before growing to 30 hours in July 2017 and later expanding to a full two days.

What is Amazon Prime Day? Prime Day is Amazon’s biggest sale of the year. The annual two-day deals event is regularly held in the summer months and is exclusively available to Amazon Prime members only. If you’re not a member when the next one rolls around, you can always sign up for a free 30-day trial (opens in new tab) to get access to that year’s Prime Day deals.

How to sign up for a free 30-day Amazon Prime trial (Image credit: Amazon) 1. Go to Amazon Prime (opens in new tab)

2. Select: Start your free trial

3. Follow the instructions

4. Start browsing deals (opens in new tab)

If you can’t get the trial, a Prime membership is currently $14.99 per month, or $139 per year, after a price increase back in February. It used to be $12.99 per month or $119 per year.

Do read our Amazon Prime review for full coverage of what you get as part of a membership, including free shipping, access to Prime Video and so much more. That can help you decide if you want to cancel Amazon Prime if you don’t intend to remain signed up after the sale.

Prime Day originally started in 2015 as a celebration of Amazon’s 20th anniversary. Designed to encourage people to spend outside of the October-December holiday season, the online retailer says its only goal was to “offer a volume of deals greater than Black Friday”.

Since then, it’s ballooned into one of the biggest sales in the global retail calendar, with many other large retailers launching promotions of their own to take advantage of the huge online audiences around Prime Day.

We’ve seen spending figures of around $11 billion during previous years, which is more than what was spent online during the last two Cyber Monday sales (that’s $10.7 billion and $10.9 billion, specifically). Of course, it’s important to point out that Prime Day does last 48 hours rather than just a single day, but the numbers are still astounding for what is effectively a single retailer event.

What were this year’s best Prime Day deals?

(Image credit: Future)

Every year, without question, the best Prime Day deals are on Amazon’s own-brand devices. This year there were savings of up to 55% on the Kindle Paperwhite, Echo Show 5, Fire 7 Tablet, and Echo Dot – to name just a few. The retailer has also had a huge selection of budget-friendly Fire TVs, with prices starting at just $89.

5 key stats from Amazon Prime Day 2022 Total items bought worldwide:

More than 300million globally

Best-selling items worldwide:

Apple Watch Series 7; Fire TV, Echo, and Blink devices; Pampers; Le Creuset; VTech and LeapFrog toys; Levi’s; Chemical Guys car wash products

Best-selling categories worldwide:

Amazon devices, consumer electronics, and homewares

Small businesses:

Generated more than $3 billion in sales

Busiest shopping times:

9am – 10am PT on Tuesday, July 12

Source: Amazon

One of the most popular Prime Day deals was on the Echo Dot (4th Gen). The budget smart speaker dropped to just $19.99 this year. Not only does that beat the previous record by a whole $5, but we know it was bound to be popular with our readers. Our data from last year showed this handy gadget was a real crowd favorite across TechRadar, Tom’s Guide, T3, and other Future websites.

The Fire TV Stick 4K was another favorite from last year and – as if on cue – it returned to its lowest price ever during this year’s Prime Day and was one of the most purchased items over the 48-hour sale.

Away from Amazon’s own products, deals on major brands such as Samsung, Apple Sony, Bose and SharkNinja were also featured once again. Amazon promised up to 50% off as well as some products from these manufacturers down to their lowest prices ever. While there was some exaggeration, there were big savings to be found on TVs, laptops, headphones and vacuum cleaners from these big brands.

And then, outside of the bigger brands, Amazon continued to make an effort to boost its marketplace sellers in this year’s sale. The result was over $3 billion spent on more than 100 million small and medium-sized business products across both days – another new record.

We also saw an early start to this year’s back to school sales, as lots of most-wanted tech and essentials for the year ahead were reduced during Prime Day. It was a good time to buy a new laptop or Chromebook, with many devices down to their lowest prices of the year. We also saw big savings on other items such as headphones, portable speakers, clothing and more.

Amazon Prime Day 2022: our predictions

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

We’re a bit too far away from next year’s Prime Day to offer any valid predictions just yet. However, with a second Prime Day 2022 rumoured for this fall, we’ve put a few thoughts together on how that sale may look – if it does indeed go ahead.

The simple answer is to expect a re-run of what we saw back in July. Of course, it’s unlikely Amazon will simply copy every deal once again. However, if the event does take place then it would be wise to assume that a lot of the popular offers on Amazon devices such as the Fire TV Stick 4K, Echo Dot and Kindle will pop up again.

As for other products, this entirely depends on how it fits into each manufacturer’s plans for Black Friday. We’ve already seen that the end-of-year sales event starts earlier all the time, so there’s a reasonable chance that a few big brands get involved ahead of time with Amazon’s exclusive Prime member event in the fall. Based on that, expect laptops, TVs, headphones and more popular electronics to feature.

If you’ve got a new Apple device in mind, though, it could be a good time to save big on last-generation hardware and some of the latest models for 2022. We’ll have a close eye on the iPad 10.2 as well as the previous MacBook Air (M1, 2020). This could be the time when the cheapest ever prices appear and previous record-lows are broken.

If we hear any more news over the coming months, we’ll be sure to share it right here and update our predictions with the latest information.

How to prepare for Prime Day 2022: our pro tips

Want to know how to make the most out of next year’s sale – or be sure you’re in the best shape in case Prime Day fall becomes a reality? We’ve collected together some buyer’s tips and advice just below based on our own experience having covered this event for 8 years now. Some of these tips may seem pretty basic and straightforward to some, but they’re definitely not to be overlooked if you’re getting a shopping list ready.

(Image credit: Amazon)

1. Find an Amazon Prime free trial…

Amazon Prime Day is reserved for Prime members only. However, if you’ve not subscribed in the past, Amazon offers a free trial that you can activate in the lead-up to the event. Just be careful that you time your membership to run over the period of Prime Day. Once Amazon confirms when that is, you can work back to decide when to start your free trial

2. …but don’t rely on it

Last year we saw more retailers participating in similar Prime Day sales in order to steal a little of Amazon’s pie. We expect stores like Walmart and Best Buy will run their own discounts over the same period this year, which means you can shop around to find the best Prime Day deals possible. Ultimately, you could find a big saving on exactly what you want outside of Amazon where membership isn’t required.

3. Know what you want to buy…

Going into big sales events such as Amazon Prime Day with an idea of what you want to buy is a great place to start. Sure, we all like to do a bit of digital window shopping, but knowing what you’re after means you can filter out all that noise, dodge the lightning deals and get straight to the good stuff right away. Take the time now to research the price history of your chosen product, as well as the prices of its competitors over the last year – both cheaper and more expensive versions. With that in mind, you can go into Prime Day knowing for yourself what is a good deal.

4. …but stay flexible

Even if you know everything about the one product you really want, it’s unwise to assume that the particular TV, tablet or whatever it is you’re after will be on sale. Your heart may be set on a product but the big day can roll around and no savings are found on it. Does that mean you should give up? No way.

Take all that research you did in the days beforehand to look at similar products. Is there an equivalent cheaper item that’s even less for Prime Day, or perhaps that slightly more expensive model is now reduced to a price more in line with your original item? Either way, you could get an even bigger saving or come away with a better product that you would have otherwise missed out on.

5. Get in there early…

When Prime Day begins, you want to be one of the first to check which offers have gone live at midnight – or at least first thing in the morning when you wake up. We don’t think that anything is going to sell out in a matter of hours in this early window, but there’s definitely a risk that the hottest deals will sell out as the first day goes on. If you see something you really want to buy, get it in your basket right away – you can always cancel the order if you change your mind.

6. …but check back throughout the event

Just because you’ve managed to secure your dream deal straight out the gate doesn’t mean Amazon is done. New Prime Day deals are released throughout the entire sales window and there are often limited-time lightning deals that may grab your attention. And sold-out products may come back at a later time if you missed out on something big.

How to find the best Prime Day deals

(Image credit: Shutterstock/@Hadrian)

Amazon doesn’t always do a great job of promoting the best Prime Day deals. Sure, it will shout about many of its own devices and other well-known products that are on sale, but it’s often worth looking beyond these highlighted deals for some even better savings. We do a lot of that searching for you and share our favorite offers right here, but here’s some more advice on how to find the best Prime Day deals.

Before the sale begins is a good place to start. In the run-up, Amazon usually has a few offers live that are a tease for the big event. These aren’t usually some of the biggest products, but can still be tempting bargains. We sometimes see reductions on its own subscription services such as Audible, Music Unlimited and Kindle Unlimited during this window, making it a good time to sign up.

We also strongly encourage you to keep an eye on Amazon Warehouse (opens in new tab). We often see store-wide discounts of up to 20% across this selection of second-hand, used and open-box products. All items are checked, tested and Amazon-approved before they go back on sale, plus they are covered by the standard returns policy, so you don’t have to worry if you run into any issues. Generally, it’s an excellent option to bag an even bigger bargain.

Prime Day vs Black Friday – should you wait?

Both Amazon Prime Day and Black Friday generally offer discounts on the same kinds of devices, but there are a few differences between the sales events.

Prime Day deals are largely focused on Amazon itself, while other stores like Best Buy and Walmart compete against them with a few of their own discounts. Competition among shoppers is also significantly reduced on Prime Day, which means that deals are generally easier to find, easier to price check and won’t run out of stock so quickly.

Black Friday, on the other hand, is set across a much larger range of retailers, with prices that tend to be a little cheaper across a wider variety of brands. That does mean putting in a lot more work to make sure you get the best offer possible and keeping a close eye out for limited-time flash sales that make up for most of those lowest recorded prices. With more competition between retailers, though, we do tend to see slightly heavier discounts in November.

Of course, you may also simply want your tech sooner. If so, we wouldn’t recommend waiting five months for the chance of a better discount. There’s no guarantee that prices will be any different come Black Friday, especially on Amazon products. You may find some older tech for even less, but then you also run the risk of missing out on the best deals due to the increase in competition.

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